Franchise Conference Calendar

Tis the season for conferences in the franchise space! Here are some excellent opportunities in the coming months for CEOs, marketing & sales executives, and others to learn about innovations and network with peers:


FisherZucker / Fishman PR / Entrepreneur
September 25-27


Franchise Leadership and Development Conference
Franchise Update Media
October 11-13


Franchise Innovation Conference (aka FranTech)
International Franchise Association
San Diego
October 18-20


Franchise Expo West
MFV Expositions
Los Angeles
November 2-4


Emerging Franchisor Conference
International Franchise Association
November 6-8


Please let me know if you’ll be at any of these great conferences.

I would love to connect!



Reaching Franchise Candidates on LinkedIn

linkedin logo


More franchisors have asked me about using Social Media for franchise development in the past 6 weeks than in the previous 6 years.

At recent events including FranTech, Franchise Leadership and Development Conference, The Chicago Women’s Franchise Network, and Springboard, my conversations have focused on using Facebook for not only generating new leads from your consumer customer base, but also engaging with candidates further down your franchise development sales funnel using Facebook’s Custom Audience Targeting.

And often, the next question has been: “But what about LinkedIn?”

Franchisors at these events ask about improving their results in finding candidates on LinkedIn. Many tried LinkedIn early in their online marketing journey but got bad results and quickly moved on.

I suggest that LinkedIn may not be appropriate for engaging with some types of potential franchisees, just as Facebook or other channels may not work for other types of prospects.

Recommendation #1: Before jumping into any social media marketing for franchise development, look at who your candidates are and where they spend their time on social media.


Facebook LinkedIn Franchising


The Facebook Side

If your best franchise candidates are those folks who will be operating their own store or other franchise location day-to-day, Facebook is the best place to engage. They may be customers of a current franchisee who could visualize themselves running their own shop. They have an interest – and hopefully a passion – for your brand’s type of service, work, food, or culture!

At our FLDC panel discussion, Wild Birds Unlimited exemplified this type of brand. Chief Development Officer Paul Pickett shared how individuals on Facebook can engage with a brand that shares their passion and then picture themselves as owning their own store.  I would add that being a great storyteller and sharing appealing images and videos is key in developing these relationships! Facebook is the most important place to spend your development time as this is where such future owners are already spending their time.


The LinkedIn Side

If your best franchise candidates are looking for an investment or for their next franchise award, let’s look at LinkedIn. Those candidates are in “the business of business” and invest in a franchise based only on return. LinkedIn is an excellent place to share information about your franchise’s value.

On the same FLDC panel, LinkedIn success was represented by ZIPS Franchising. ZIPS Vice President Aaron Goldberg does a fantastic job communicating on LinkedIn with potential business partners who are multi-unit owners investing in franchises.

At my FranTech Roundtable on Social Media in October, many Franchisors shared with me that they burn through their LinkedIn ad budgets quickly. Unlike Facebook where your boosted posts are easy for the right prospects to consume, LinkedIn puts you in a very competitive position to get a franchise development ad viewed.


Recommendation #2: I’m currently recommending not initially buying ads on LinkedIn. Instead, use LinkedIn as the one-to-one communication tool that Twitter was meant to be. There’s no advertising cost to engage with a person as another person!

LinkedIn may not be a great place to generate a completely new lead, but it is the best place to communicate with potential business partners with whom you’re already engaged.


Recommendation #3: Use LinkedIn for franchise development via your personal profile, not your company LinkedIn page. People buy from people. The goldmine of LinkedIn for any brand is in its use by company representatives as individuals. Sure, your company page needs to be updated and appealing. But the heavy lifting needs to be done from you as a business leader.


Recommendation #4: Use these tactics every day to get to the next level with your franchise prospects on LinkedIn:

*Share relevant business articles and blog posts that would be of interest to your candidates.

*Reach out to them via LinkedIn messages and InMails. Both have a significantly higher response rate than emails.

And remember the most important thing when promoting a business to prospective buyers on social media: even when you’re not engaging with them, they’re watching you!




Social Media Marketing for Franchises Best Practices

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I’m excited about speaking at the Southeast Franchise Forum / IFA Franchise Business Network July 12 in Atlanta. We will be discussing best practices in Social Media Marketing specifically for Franchises.

I’ve been working with franchise systems to help their consumer and franchise development using social media for about as long as social been around. But tactics that worked in the “old days” of 4 or 5 years ago may not cut it this year or next. We’ll explore:

Yesterday v. Tomorrow

National v. Local

Paid v. Earned

What are we doing v. what should we be doing?


If you’re near Atlanta, please join us! Save your seat today and I’ll look forward to chatting with you.



FranTech 2016



Digital Marketing … Technology … Franchising … if your business depends on any 2 of these 3, then you should attend FranTech this year. Registration just opened for FranTech2016 October 26-27 in Austin and the agenda looks outstanding.

I am looking forward to moderating a discussion along with my Social Geek Radio co-host Deb Evans on the digital marketing plans of an up & coming franchise system. We’ll be interviewing the marketing pros from SafeWay Driving who will share how their marketing tactics are growing their business (and saving lives along the way!).

Join me and my team from Qiigo in Austin and register for FranTech 2016 today!




Telling Your Business Story on Facebook


Facebook released the news that it now has 3 Million advertisers and has 50 Million businesses using Facebook pages. Or, as Facebook might see this, 47 Million businesses who have pages but have not yet purchased an ad!

2 of the top 3 business verticals using Facebook pages are services and local commerce; both are common industry types using the franchise model. The third, ecommerce, applies to all models. We don’t know how many franchise brands are a part of that 3 Million advertisers. However, based on the boom in ads we discussed at the IFA Convention summit on Facebook and Franchising, it’s safe to assume that a large number of the million new advertisers in the past year are in franchising.

As part of this milestone, or as a good excuse to roll out something new, Facebook has launched a new tool called Your Business Story.  


Telling Your Business Story

This new format is video that Facebook has made very easy to use. In fact, it’s so simple, you don’t even have to make an actual video! All you have to do is select 8 photos that are already on your timeline, select a piece of music, add a little text, and you’re done!  Get started here.

You can create as many of these short videos as you want. You can share them with your fans and you can also boost them, bringing us full circle back to why Facebook has rolled out this cool tool.

We saw a bit of a preview of these business stories at FranTech 2015 last October in Dallas.  But now that I’m actually hands-on, here are 3 things that jump out at me:

1. Video: Everyone talks about how the only thing thing that matters in online marketing is video. But a large number of business owners have no experience or knowledge in how to make a video let alone how to distribute videos in an efficient way. Facebook just made it easy.

2. Content Marketing: The other thing everyone talks about is story telling to attract customers. Again, Facebook just made it easy.

3. A micro elevator pitch: The text that businesses can include answers the question: “What’s your story? We’re in the business of ____________.” This short answer forces business owners to think about they do for customers in simple terms. No one will have the space or opportunity to drone on about customer service, being people persons, finding solutions, or other corporate dribble.


Telling Franchising’s Story

One of the key takeaways for me at The 2016 IFA Convention was incoming IFA Chairman Aziz Hashim’s speech.  Not only did Aziz mention social media (a first for any IFA Chair or CEO’s speech), but he also compelled the members to tell franchising’s story.

I think Facebook just made it easy for all franchisors and franchisees to tell Franchising’s story!

Tweet about Aziz



Social Geek Tip for Next Week: Post Photos, Not Just Links



Share Photos, Not Links on Your Facebook Page

When you post a link on Facebook and your fans share that post on their profiles or pages, it will state, “Jane Smith shared a link”.  

But when you post a photo and your fans share that post on their profiles or pages, it will state, “Jane Smith shared (YOUR BRAND NAME)’s photo.”

This is extremely valuable real estate! In the age where organic reach is falling fast, your best bet to reach new consumers (without paying for ads) is to have your current fans share your content and have their friends see your name on the content. If you’re posting links, they won’t see your brand name. If you’re posting photos, they will see it!

But what if the whole point of the post is to drive traffic to your website, blog, or article on the “other end” of that link? Simple – create the post as a photo first, then paste your link as part of the body of the text above the photo. This now clickable link will be just as accessible. 

Bonus – by posting as a photo not a link, you can choose an image and size instead of leaving it up to the thumbnail choices! 



FB example

In the above example, a link to a great Social Media Today article was shared by Manalto. But Manalto posted it as a photo with a link. When another Facebook page, FranTech, shared Manalto’s post, Manalto’s name was shown. If it was only a link, Manalto would not be visible on FranTech’s post. 


Social Media Driving Local Store Traffic for Franchises


I am sharing this presentation of best practices in using social media, specifically Facebook, to drive local traffic to local retail stores, restaurants, and outlets. 


This is part of Engage121 and our clients’ ongoing work not only to grow clients’ communities and engage new customers, but also to generate new consumer leads. This is done via our successful formula of engaging organic posts and advertising placement!


Good Brands Build Their Communities. But Great Brands…

Facebook Heart 1


Many marketers are talking about organic reach on Facebook decreasing rapidly. It seems no one realizes that organic reach has been low – under 20% – for

well over a year. But as reach does continue to drop, it’s time to grow your community before it’s too late and there’s no organic content seen again. Or perhaps I should say it’s time to become part of your customer’s community.

Good brands grow their communities. Great brands become part of their customers’ communities.

This is going to take a three-step process that will rely on your community as well as some ad dollars. It will also require the best, most engaging content you’ve ever created!


Step 1: Create engaging content that people want to share

What do people want to share? Marketing messages? Flashy offers? 

No. It must be something that makes them look cool / smart / sexy to their friends. You must create something that will give consumers the dopamine hit they crave each time they share a post.


Step 2: Pay for ads with that terrific content

What are you prepared to do? I hope the answer is spend a buck or two on Facebook ads. It’s time to see Facebook as an advertising channel, not a free news service. Mr. Zuckerberg, you created the most intersting communications channel since television. Here’s your dollar.

The good news is that it really only takes a dollar (or a few dollars) to be in the game. Facebook ads are really cheap right now considering the reach you can get versus TV, newspapers, or even email marketing.


sean c 1 What are you prepared to do?!?
All of this “new” Facebook work is going to take a bit of courage, faith, and maybe some of the Chicago way.


Step 3: This is the easy one…and it’s out of your hands.

Remember in Step 1 where I said you had to create the best, most engaging content ever? This is where it pays off. Your fans and their friends who saw the ads and posts will share them.

A typical overly commercial, online-banner-ad-looking piece of junk will get ignored just like TV commercials and banner ads do now!




FranTech Preview: High Tech Lead Generation



One of the FranTech panels to which I’m most looking forward is called The New Era of Lead Generation and will be led by my Social Geek Radio Co-Host Deb Evans.

The speakers on the panel include:

Jason Paulo, President & CEO, Monkey Bizness

Chad Stewart, Director of Marketing and Network Vision, AlphaGraphics, Inc

Susan King Glosby, CFE, VP of Operations, Fit4Mom

Moderator: Deb Evans, CFE, President, Franchise Foundry

The panel will review new tools and technology franchisors are using to:

  • Get the attention of prospects and franchisees
  • Building relationships
  • Increasing visibility
  • Collaborate & Conference

 And – Tonight – Wednesday March 26 – 8pm ET / 7pm CT – join me live on Social Geek Radio as I ask Deb and special guest Susan King Glosby more about the tech they’re using to reach franchisees and get a taste of what to expect at FranTech!


Listen Live to Social Geek Radio


Download from iTunes right after the show!






Digital Marketing Best Practices for Franchising on Social Geek Radio

This Wednesday night on Social Geek Radio, my guests will be Ken Colburn, CEO of Data Doctors and Chair of the FranTech Task Force, and Alisa Harrison, Senior VP of Communications and Marketing for The International Franchise Association. We’ll discuss the latest updates about the upcoming FranTech conference and get an overview of the keynote speakers. We’ll also talk about what to expect at the event and how franchisors, marketers, and tech geeks are slowly taking over the world.

Join us live on Social Geek Radio Wednesday at 8pm ET/ 7pm CT


 Download the show from iTunes immediately after.